Digital Year and Review
2023-2024 School Year
Caliofornia Mid-State Fair

At the 2023 California Mid-State Fair, we had over 40 exhibitors in all species of livestock. These students have worked hard on their projects all year round, and got to show off their incredible work in the show ring.
Officer Retreat

Over the summer, the Executive Officer Team spent a day planning for the next school year and participate in team building excersises, including going to a ropes course!
September Game Meeting

At our biggest meeting of the year, we welcomed new members, ate pizza, highlighted our success at the fair, and played fun games like donut dangle, head, shoulders cup, and musical chairs.
Chapter Officer Leadership Conference

The chapter officer team attended COLC in Hollister, California. They met other chapter officers across our region, participated in team building, and learned more about their specific positions and the roles that come with it.
Opening and Closing Ceremonies

Over 100 FFA members participated on Opening & Closing Ceremonies teams across all three divisions, Novice, Advanced, and Officer. Our officer team came home with 1st place in the officer category, one of our Novice teams placed 3rd, and many individuals came home with STAR position award. We are so proud of these students for showing out!
Greenhand Week

From October 16th-20th, our Greenhand committee led a week full of celebration for our newest members. We had a morning meeting with breakfast, activities and a punchcard to complete for FFA credits, applied for our Greenhand degrees, and received them on Friday at a lunch meeting banquet!
Greenhand Leadership Conference

5 students attended Greenhand Leadership Conference in Paso Robles on October 18th. They participated in workshops, learned about FFA and agriculture, and met other freshman from around our region.
Boo Bash

Our October meeting committee held our first annual Boo Bash. We had pumpkin carving, a halloween dance, and a costume competition.
Project Competition

We had 8 students compete in the Sectional project competition. These students displayed their projects to a panel of judges. These students SAE projects include working at local agricultural businesses and raising livestock. We are so proud of these students for all their amazing work!
National Convention

11 students attended National Convention between October 31st - November 2nd. Students attended the career fair, connected with colleges, attended workshops and general sessions, and took some fun field trips to see the Indiana countryside. We also had two students compete in National Prepared Public Speaking and Extemporaneous Public Speaking, receiving bronze awards. Congratulations on your amazing work to represent SLO FFA and California!
SLO Downtown Holiday Parade

Over 100 students walked with us in the Annual Downtown SLO Holiday parade. Our holiday parade committee organized the event logistics and decorated the float. Students spread holiday cheer to thousands of parade viewers.
Sectional Creed & El Credo Competition

​We had 4 students compete in the Sectional Creed and El Credo Competition on December 4th. Our El Credo competitors placed 1st & 2nd, and one of our creed competitors advanced to regionals. Great job representing our chapter, and putting yourself out there to try something new.
December Meeting

On December 19th, we had our December meeting and our annual bake off. Over 40 students entered home baked goods into 5 different categories, and they were judged by our Aggie Backers and recent FFA alumni. Students got to enjoy treats from their peers, and watch a christmas movie with popcorn.
O'Neals Minarets Parliamentary Procedure Invitational

On January 27th, our Novice and Advanced Parliamentary Procedure teams attended a competition at O'Neals- Minarets High School. Our advanced team placed 1st, a received two high chair recognitions. This contest was a great experience to practice our skills for future competitions.
Advanced Leadership Academy

From Janurary 28th to 29th, 15 of our upperclassmen attended Advanced Leadership Academy in Monterey, California. During this two day conference, students learned leadership skills and planned events for our chapter.
Merced Junior College Parliamentary Procedure Invitational

On February 3rd, our Parliamentary Procedure teams attended the Atwater Invitational, hosted by Merced Junior College. They participated in 3 different prelim rounds, and an advanced finals round. Our Novice team placed 2nd and received one outstanding chair, and our advanced team placed 3rd, also with one outstanding chair.
Sectional Public Speaking Competition

On February 6th, 9 students competed in Sectional LDE's, including Impromptu, Job Interview, and Prepared Public Speaking. We had students place 4th im Impromptu, 1st in Job Interview, and 1st & 4th In Prepared Public Speaking. Congratulations to all of the incredible students who competed, along with the 4 advancing to regionals.
Hancock Junior College Veterinary Science Contest

6 members of our Veterinary Science Team competed in a competition at Allen Hancock Junior College in Santa Maria, California. For many of them, this was their very first CDE contest.
National FFA Week

From Feburary 21st - 24th, our FFA Week committee hosted events to celebrate National FFA week. Along with the other events, they also hosted a school wide petting zoo, a staff appreciation breakfast, and blue and gold dress up day, and assisted in the process of helping Sophomore's obtain their Chapter Degrees. Thank you to this committee for all the hard work they put into this incredible week!
FFA On The Hill

On the morning of February 22nd, a group of 40 students hiked up the hill at 6am to write out FFA on the hill. Students worked hard in the cold to display FFA to the whole school, and the entire city of San Luis Obispo. Another group of 20 students hiked up after school to take the sheets down. This tradition is an awesome way to spread FFA to everyone!
SAE Night

Our student recognition committee hosted SAE Night on February 23rd at 6pm in the ag shop. We had over 20 students showcase their amazing projects, and many other students learn from others about ideas they can do for their own projects.
Chapter Degree Ceremony

On February 24th, we had over 70 members receive their FFA Chapter Degree. These sophomores were honored for their commitment to agriculture through the 3 ring model of Ag Education, their SAE projects, community service, and their in class work. Congratulations to all of our Sophomores!
Tiger Fest

During the week of May 6th, our chapter ran our officer elections. Candidates went through an interview round and then filmed their speeches in the ag department which were shown to students in 3 different meeting times throughout the week. Every chapter member voted for the President/Vice President slate, and for 5 other candidates. The nominating committee then placed them into their offices, and the results were annouced at our annual awards banquet. Thank you to all the candidates for putting yourself out there to lead our
Laguna Middle School Ag Tutorial

In March, our Middle School Outreach committee hosted a 45 minute presentation during a tutorial period. We had over 150 students attend to hear from current students in agriculture. We had over 20 high school students present on the agriculture pathways they are enrolled in, their SAE projects, and the competitions they competed in. Middle school students learned about our course offerings, the benefits of enrolling in agriculture, and got to meet lots of animals. Also in March, members of this committee met individually with the middle and high school counselors, to help them better understand agriculture courses that students can take. The efforts from this committee led to a drastic increase in enrollment the following year!
UC Davis Parliamentary Procedure Competition

On March 1st, our Parliamentary Procedure Teams attended the UC Davis Invitational Competition. Students competed in 2 prelim rounds, and our advanced team competed in a final round. Our Advanced Team received 1st place, and received 2 outstanding chair recognition. Congratulations on a fantastic contest!
Regional Meeting & Public Speaking Competition

On March 8th, 7 students competed in the Regional Public Speaking Competitions, and 2 students attended the meeting as delegates to vote for the next South Coast Regional Officer Team. Congratulations to everyone who competed! Our 3 students who placed 1st & 3rd in Prepared, and 1st i Job Interview will be advancing to the state competitions.
SLO Parliamentary Procedure Invitational & Workshop

On March 9th, we hosted our 1st ever Parliamentary Procedure Contest in our ag department. On top of a regular novice and advanced contest with 8 teams competing, we also held a workshop for chapters to bring students to. We taught 3 teams of students, all from different chapters, how to make motions and debate. We sent them home with packets and resources to start their own team, hopefully to get more chapters involved in this incredible contest! Congrats to our Advanced team for placing 1st in the contest, and receiving two outstanding chair awards.
State Parliamentary Procedure Finals

On March 20th, both of our Parliamentary Procedure teams competed at State Semi-Finals. Students competed in difficult prelim rounds. Our Novice Team placed top 12 in the State! We are so proud of them for their outstanding work. On March 21st, our advanced team competed as apart of the top 6 finalists, and finished 4th in the State. We so are proud of these students for their hard work!
California FFA State Conference

14 of our students attended the California FFA State Leadership Conference. Students attended general sessions, attended workshops, spent time with other FFA Chapters, and explored the career and college expo. 2 of our students also served our chapter as delegates. They worked to make changes to California FFA, and voted for this year's officer team.
Clovis East Veternairy Science Contest

3 of our Veterinary Science team members attended a contest at Clovis East on April 6th. They gained a lot of experience in the contest gearing up for State Finals in May!
Public Speaking State Finals

On April 20th, 3 of our members who advanced to the State level contests competed in Prepared and Job Interview. Two of our members received a silver distinction, and one of our competitors placed 2nd in the entire state! We are so proud of their hard work this year.
Sectional Officer Elections Meeting

On April 25th, 5 chapter members attended the sectional elections meeting. Our chapter president served on the nominating committee, two of our members served as delegates and voted for the next section team, and two of our members were slated and delivered speeches for sectional office. Congratulations to Stevie Bates, who was elected to the position of Sectional Secretary. Thank you for representing SLO FFA so well above the chapter level.
Veterinary Science State Finals

On May 3rd, 4 members of our Veterinary Science Team competed in State Finals at Cal Poly. They placed 8th out of 54 amazing other teams. This placing is incredible in such a difficult contest. Congratulations to all these members!
Chapter Officer Elections Meeting

On the week of May 11th, over 15 candidates ran for Chapter Office for the 2024-2025 school year. Candidates went through an interview process, performed their speeches on video, which were shown to chapter members in 3 different meetings. The chapter voted on a President/Vice President slate, and for 5 additional candidates. The results for the next officer team were announced at our annual chapter meeting the following week. Thank you to all the candidates who ran for putting yourself out there to lead our organization!
Floral Arrangements & Sales for Prom

Our Advanced Floral Design class and other volunteers assisted with creating arrangements for Prom. These students made unique centerpieces, stunning bouquets, and sold boutonnieres and corsages throughout the week through our Tiger Floral businesses. The results were fantastic, and amired by our upperclassmen at prom.
Barn Bash

A group of student volunteered to help with the Aggie Backers Barn Bash, our booster clubs largest fundraiser of the year. They helped serve food, manage auction items, and spoke about the importance of FFA to them.
2024 Chapter Banquet

Our chapter officer team hosted our annual awards banquet with over 100 members and guests in attendance. Members enjoyed delicious food and desserts while being honored for their excellence in LDE/CDE competitions, SAE projects, proficiency's, committee work, and more. Seniors who applied for the Aggie Backer scholarship also received their awards for future education, and many tears were shed as seniors shared a special message to their families, thanking them for supporting them during high school. At the end of the evening, the 2024-2025 Chapter Officer Team was announced.
Ag Day

On May 24th, the ag deptartment and Ag Day Committee hosted 80 elementary aged kids from 2 different elementary schools. Elementary schools rotated between 14 different stations, learning about different parts of agriculture. All of these stations were led by students in our ag department, and ranged in topics from plant science, branding, vet science, swine, ag mechanics, and more. These elementary students learned so much about agriculture through this student led project.
Tiger Olympics STEM Tours

On the same day as Ag Day, another group of students ran the agriculture section of the STEM tours for tiger olympics. Our department saw over 400 students in one day. They got to see a variety of reptiles, dogs, small and large animals, and toured our schools farm. We also educated students about how to use veterinary tools through ID and practical use.