Leadership Development Events (LDEs) and Career Development Events (CDEs) are competitions in FFA that allow students to gain valuable skills in different areas. Students can go on to compete at the local, regional, state, and national level. LDE/CDE events are a great way for students to get more involved in our program, boost their public speaking contest, or prepare for a career in the agriculture industry.
Listed below are the LDE/CDE teams our chapter currently offers.
If there isn't a LDE/CDE your student is interested in, we strongly encourage you to form a team and compete! Talk to one of our advisors if you are interested in starting a team.
View the full list of events offered at the state level and the national level.​
Individual LDEs
The FFA Creed Speaking Competition is an opportunity for participants to showcase their understanding of the creed's significance, memorization and recitation of the FFA Creed, and answer three questions related to the creed and how it connects to agriculture in daily life.​
The FFA Impromptu Speaking Competition challenges participants to think on their feet and deliver agricultural-related speeches with only two minutes of preparation. Competitors draw three topics randomly and are required to present a two-minute speech on a chosen topic, allowing students to strengthen their communication skills, develop quick thinking, and showcase their knowledge about FFA.
El Credo
All grade levels
Any Spanish-speaking FFA members can compete in El Credo, a version of the FFA Creed, but formatted entirely in Spanish. Members can compete in the Blue Division (9th-10th) or the Gold Division (11th-12th).
Job Interview
All grade levels
In the FFA Job Interview Competition, students prepare and submit a resume to apply for a job in the agricultural industry. This event is designed to prepare FFA members for agricultural careers by simulating real-life job interview scenarios. This competition allows participants to practice their interview skills and present their resume, all abilities that will be applicable to their future!
Public Speaking
All grade levels
In Prepared Public Speaking, students write a 6-8 minute researched speech about any agricultural topic of their choosing. They provide a manuscript to the judges, reciete their speech, and answer 5 minutes of questions about their topic.
Novice Parliamentary Procedure
Freshmen and Sophomores
In Novice parli pro, students on a team of 6 learn the basics of Robert's Rules of Order, take a 25 question test on their knowledge, and compete in a 10 minute demonstration of their knowledge by debating about an agricultural topic while correctly conducting motions. This contest is a great way for students to practice quickly thinking on their feet and learning skills about conducting a meeting.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
All grade levels
Competitors in extemporaneous choose form 3 agricultural topics, and get 30 minutes to prepare their speech from their own resources. Then, they present a 4-6 minute speech and answer 5 minutes of questions pertaining to their speech and topic.
Advanced Parliamentary Procedure
Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors ​​​
Competitors in advanced parli pro learn the remainder of the motions in Roberts Rules of Order, and compete in a more difficult contest that is structured the same as the Novice competition. Students refine their skills as parliamentarians, and have the opportunity to compete at the national level.