Congratulations to the following FFA Members
*All students who will be competing at the state level for their indicated contest on April 21st.
Prepared Public Speaking
1st- Luke O’Leary*
2nd- Greta Carlson*
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
1st- Kalena Cirone*
Job Interview
1st- Amber Bjerre*
5th- Callan Treur

These three SLO FFA members swept their categories of Job Interview, Extemporaneous and Prepared Public Speaking. Congratulations!
Creed Public Speaking
2nd- Lili Steel*
3rd- Taylor Young*
4th- Janea Huber*
Impromptu Public Speaking
3rd- Minori Jaggia*
5th- Hannah Ryan
7th- J’aime Radding
9th- Sophie Maino
Novice Parliamentary Procedure*
Overall team placed 1st
Sophie Maino- High Chairman
Taylor Young
Sydnie Anselmo- High Chair
Janea Huber- High Chair
Ariana King- High Chair
Zhayle Piurque- High Chair

Congratulations to our Novice Parliamentary Procedure Team for placing first!
Advanced Parliamentary Procedure*
Overall team placed 1st Maggie Van Scoy- High Chairman
Callan Treur- High Secretary
Jamie Fritzley- High Chair
Minori Jaggia- High Chair
Carolyn Adams- High Chair
J’aime Radding- High Chair

We love our upperclass men!
Also at State Convention…
Luke O’Leary is a California State Officer Candidate
Amber Bjerre is a member of the State Convention Nominating Committee
Kalena Cirone is a State Convention Committee Chair
J’aime Radding and Carolyn Adams are State Convention Delegates
Jodi Evans is the Star Regional Advisor

Recreating old photos is always fun!
Merced Field Day Results (March 19th)
Livestock Judging
Overall team placed 11th
Thomas Phelan- 5th High Individual
Wyatt Judge- 15th High Individual
Elisa Garnsey
Camille Descamps
Stella Boller
Dinuba Field Day Results (March 19th)
Vet Science
Overall team placed 5th
Lacey Haas- 2nd High Individual in Practicums
Clare Backens
Anneke Moersdorf- 5th High Individual in Practicums
Sydney McGovern